Sicilian Tarantella - Italy

Sets of two couples. Men next to each other facing their parters. Meter 6/8, counted as 1, 2

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-2 Step on R foot in place (1), hop on R foot and clap hands overhead. (2)
2 Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork. Snap your fingers on beat two rather than clapping hands.
3 1-2 Take 2 running steps in place, starting with the R foot
4 Repeat measure 3
5-16 Repeat measures 1-4 three more times
Part II
1 1-2 Run on R foot forward (1), run on L foot forward (2)
2 Repeat measure 1
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2 running backwards
5-16 Repeat measures 1-4 three more times
Part III
1 1-2 Head man and foot lady take two steps towards each other
2-3 Head man and foot lady hook R arms and circle around each other with 4 steps, until they face their original positions.
4 1-2 Head man and foot lady return to their original positions and turn to face forward
5-8 Head lady and foot man do measures 1-4
9-16 Repeat measures 1-8 hooking L elbows instead of R elbows
17-24 Repeat measures 1-8 but do a do-si-do passing R shoulders first instead of turning with elbows hooked
25-32 Repeat measures17-24 passing L shoulders first
Part IV
1-4 Each person face to the R and put hands on hips. Do 8 skipping steps in the circle
5-8 Turn to face to the L and repeat the footwork for measures 1-4
9-12 Face to the R, make a L hand star and repeat the footwork for measures 1-4
13-16 Face to the L, make a R hand star and repeat the footwork for measures 1-4